F.A.Q - Frequently Asked Questions






  • Are you the Official Government Tourism Website? No, we are not the Federal or Provincial Government Tourism Association. FROG Internet and the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network is a privately owned and operated business independent of the politics and biases of our federal and provincial government associations.
  • Why is my business not listed on your travel websites? You have not signed up your business with us. Only the businesses who have taken the time to registered with us online are published on our travel websites. Please feel free to view our products and sign up.
  • Who is FROG Internet? FROG Internet is owned and operated by two brothers. The brothers are the brains behind the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network. Since 1995 the two brothers have been researching the country and developing tourism websites promoting adventure and the outdoors.
  • What is the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Planning Network (www.ehcanadatravel.com )? ehcanadatravel.com is a growing collection of interconnected community, regional and provincial tourism and travel websites for use by global online travelers for booking, planning and researching vacations and adventures in Canada.
  • What makes your travel planning website different from others?
    (1) ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network websites are "TOP REFERRING" websites for most of our thousand of advertisers according to 2010/11 Website Referral Reports.
    (2) ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network is a growing group of websites generating traffic as a group therefore it is not a stand alone tourism website like many other tourism websites online.
    (3) ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network includes original photos and descriptive text.
    (4) ehcanadatravel.com travel websites position on the first page of many global Search Engines for tens of thousands of top key word searches.
    (5) ehcanadatravel.com travel websites provide some of the largest photo galleries online.
    (6) ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network is privately owned and operated void of politics and government biases.
    (7) ehcanadatravel.com travel websites direct global travelers to your business website.
    (8) ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network makes travel fun again and not so serious.
  • How do I track my results from advertising with you? The only tool on the market to accurately track all of the websites you advertise on are called "Website Referral Reports". The reports will not just track your advertising you have with us but will track ALL your website advertising with every website you advertise on. Most reputable hosting companies provide "Website Referral Reports" with their website hosting packages. These reports indicate which travel websites are your producers and non producers.
  • Who should advertise on the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network? Every business associated with the tourism, cultural, adventure, historical, transportation and real estate industries including accommodations, tours, guides, charters, activities, attractions, heritage sites, ranches, realtors, real estate offices, art galleries, artists, internet cafes, museums, car rentals, airlines, charter companies, rentals, etc.
  • How do I sign up on your websites? Click the Advertise With Us image on the right and research our advertising products and select your advertising package. Most every community and adventure page on the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network websites have a sign up button which connects you to our company sign up page. Fill in your advertising information and then proceed to payment method.

  • I have an adventure story to share? We welcome any adventure stories you would like to submit. [ Click here to submit a story ] Upon approval they will be added to the Canada eh Travel & Adventure guide ,with credits to you.
  • What is the goal of the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network? FROG Internet's goal is to complete the research and development of the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network becoming Canada's #1 travel website.
  • My community is not listed on your website? Smaller communities with a small tourism footprint may not be listed on the travel websites of the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network. However.. every major tourism destination and neighbouring larger community is most likely listed. Many decide to advertise in the community closest to them that is marketed on the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network.

  • How do I add my community to your websites? To establish your community as a tourism destination on the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network please provide FROG Internet with an email proposal package. Included in the package are suggested arrangements for accommodations, transportation and an itinerary. Also in the proposal list the major parks, trails and attractions located in the region. The required time researching the community determines length of visit. Minimum stay is 1 week. Send proposal via email to sales@ehcanadatravel.com.
  • There is no category for my business listing on your website? If you want to advertise in a community on a ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network website and you find that there is no category for your business do not worry. When you purchase a minimum of a Photo Listing we will create a category in the appropriate community if one of the current categories do not accurately describe your business. WE DO NOT CREATE NEW CATEGORIES FOR FREE LISTINGS.
  • I would like to discuss a sponsorship program with the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network? Please send your sponsorship suggestions to our Canada eh Travel Head Office (sales@ehcanadatravel.com) and someone will review the material and get back to you in 3-5 working days. Sponsorship will provide exposure of your products (company logo, links, website) throughout the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network depending on the size of sponsorship and the terms. Items of interest include adventure gear, electronics and travel services.
  • How do I contact FROG Internet to inform you of an error of information on the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network? Information is king... so if you spot any errors on any of the web pages on the ehcanadatravel.com Travel Network please inform us as soon as you can so we may review the information and make any necessary changes. We have an error notification form for any reporting of errors.

Testimonials from clients advertising on the Tourism EH Travel Planning Network.

© Copyright Frog Internet