By Ducky on Thursday, 01 March 2012
Category: BC Wildlife


British Columbia Wildlife

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Badger (Taxidea taxus)

The BC badger is mostly found in the southeastern grasslands of British Columbia, Canada. The badger although looking cute and cuddly is really a ferocious fighter for its size often fighting off bears and cougars with hissing and barking as a distraction and warning sign that the badger is no push over.

During the confrontation the badger is planning a way out eventually borrowing a hole for an escape. The badger defends itself from bears and cougars, you can bet it is not afraid of us humans at all.

The badger enjoys feasting on groundhogs and squirrels. This British Columbia animal does like to cause a fuss leaving behind many potholes as it is constantly building a complex network of tunnels. badgers create a constant opportunity for land owners as their livestock can sometimes fall into the holes and break legs.

The badger usually, hibernates from November to April. The best times to spot a badger is early mornings and late evenings. But ... I would not suggest you approach this deceiving looking animal ... it is not harmless but the contrary.

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