By Ducky on Thursday, 01 March 2012
Category: BC Wildlife

BC Whitetail Deer

British Columbia Wildlife
White Tailed Deer

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White Tailed Dear (Odocoileus virginianus)

Found throughout British Columbia, Canada the White Tailed Deer is growing in numbers. The deer has also become more humanized making its way into community backyards with no fear.

The white tailed deer showing no fear will, as soon as humans approach, bolt into the trees. The deer enjoys the wide open spaces, until we show up.

The White Tail Deer munches on grass and shrubs as its main food source and can be found scavenging for its food source in moist wetlands, swamps and cleared wide open fields. The best times for viewing a white tailed deer is a few hours after sunrise and before sunset.

The antlers of the male deer usually start to show signs in early April and, usually, have a full set by August. The velvet cover is rubbed off the antlers by the male deer by September proudly exposing the hard core antlers they use to impress the females in November. The antlers drop off in the winter.

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