By Ducky on Thursday, 01 March 2012
Category: BC Wildlife

BC Woodchuck

British Columbia Wildlife

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Woodchuck (Marmota monax)

The woodchuck is a funny little creature always seeming to be curious standing tall on its hind legs. It is found in most areas of British Columbia often usually spotted at the entrance of his burrow investigating the surrounding sightlines.

The woodchuck grows a layer of fat in the autumn and as soon as the chills of the winter climates set in, it heads off to the hibernation den that it has already scouted out and prepared. These hibernation dens are usually located under an old tree root or woodlots.

Once nestled in, the woodchuck falls into a deep sleep and its body temperature and breathing drop dramatically until it resurfaces in March. It lives off its stored fat until vegetation becomes available.

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