By Ducky on Thursday, 01 March 2012
Category: BC Wildlife

Black Bear

British Columbia Wildlife
Black Bear

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Black Bear (Ursus americanus)

The British Columbia Black Bear is found in most parks and wilderness areas of British Columbia, Canada. Some areas more than others. The Black Bear has poor eyesight , but it more than compensates that shortcoming with a extremely good sense of smell and hearing. The Black Bear eats mainly plant matter, but is also growing more and more comfortable with meat and human disposal products.

The Black Bear appears too be slow and walking with strain and pain, sometimes a bit clumsy and bow-legged. Looking like coming home from the bar. Do not let this fool you, as the bear can reach up to 25 -35 miles an hour and can climb tress with relative ease.

In the fall seasons the bears put on layers of fat in preparation for a deep winter sleep. It is not a hibernation, as per say, as there temperature drop slightly and they can be awaken by loud noises.

Over the years, bears have accustomed themselves to the human race, which is a concern as they are becoming more bolder and braver sometimes reaping havoc on hikers and walking into wilderness communities. Black bears are unpredictable and dangerous and should never be approached or fed.

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