By Ducky on Thursday, 01 March 2012
Category: BC Wildlife


British Columbia Wildlife

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Marmot (Marmota vancouverensis )

The marmot is an endangered species and is found mostly in the high alpine meadows above 1000 metres on Vancouver Island, mostly living in colonies. The population of the marmot colonies has shrunk down hovering around 100 which makes it one of the most endangered mammals in the world.

The marmot occupies its time digging burrows, underground tunnels and lounging on rocks in the sun in need of body heat while using larger boulders as lookouts to scan for approaching threats. The Vancouver Island marmot is a herbivore and feed on a wide variety of plants to eat. They are known to eat well over 50 different species of grasses and wild flowers.

The marmot colony is made up of one or more families headed by an adult male, maybe one or more adult females and a slew of young. During hibernation (from September through April), marmots are rummaging above ground for a few hours a day usually in the early morning and late afternoon. The rest of the day is spent in their burrows. Burrows provide shelter, warmth and a protection from predators like eagles, cougars and hawks.

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