By Ducky on Thursday, 01 March 2012
Category: BC Wildlife

Mountain Goat

British Columbia Wildlife
Mountain Goat

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Mountain Goat (Oreamnos americanus)

The British Columbia mountain goat from afar are a beautiful animal to observe looking all kingly covered in their white coats. They are mountain adventurers navigating mountain slopes high in the alpine regions of BC.

It is said, not really confirmed, the mountain goat hails from the Pleistocene Ice Age hence the white fur which assist the goat from detection in the harsh winter environments found in British Columbia.

BC, Canada is home to more than half of the world’s population. The mountain goat usually found in the rocky alpine areas high above the timberline throughout parts British Columbia's with a population of approximately 100,000.

The mountain goat's diet consists of alpine grasses and flowers and any tree or shrub surviving the harsh mountain climates. The rutting season (breeding) occurs between November and early January with the young, usually twins, is born in May or June.
The greatest cause of death for these mountain dwellers is the winter when the availability of food is scarce. But, sadly enough, the greatest harm to the mountain goat population is game hunting.

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