By EH Canada : Support on Monday, 01 May 2017
Category: Newsletter

May 2017 - eh Canada Travel Newsletter


May 2017 -

Hello from eh Canada Travel

Have you received your email instructions yet on how to transfer your current listings to the new format? Have you followed the online instructions and completed your listing? Have you opened the email? Technology is changing. Tourism is changing. Our business profiles and listings are changing.

Here is an update.

  • For those listings which are not transferred to the new format, our computers will be doing the transformation for you in the next month based on the information in your current listing. However, the new listings have more features promoting your services that your old listing does not have so the information transfer will be basic, until you have time to update it.
  • We are preparing to launch a new national (all Canadian) search engine feature within our website for researching travel and for booking anywhere in Canada. Your new listings will play a part in how you do for searches based on amenities, rates, location, and more.
  • Email, phone and our new Live Chat Help Line on our website are available for assistant if need be.
  • Once all the new listings are converted over to the new format the listings will be posted online. If you have done your listing and do not see it, that is because the system is not live yet until all listings are converted.
This does not apply to Eastern and Atlantic Canada clients 
who are already using the new listing format.

Think like a photographer when marketing your business

When marketing your business socially on one must try to look at your business through the eyes of a photographer not as an owner. The smallest detail with a good caption makes for good marketing. Take a photo of the bronze shoe in the garden, spider web after a rain, door knocker, patio chairs, meal preparation, events, antique, guests list comments, gifts, etc. Use your creativity and each post is targeting a new group of travelers.

One and done marketing practises do not work. Promotion takes repetitive consistency.

Announce your season, specials, rates, and packages

All announcements are rebroadcasted on every Social Travel Community Wall located on the front page of every region from BC to Newfoundland on (excluding Nunavut which is still in development). Then that same special is rebroadcasted on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Everyday we publish "Daily Canada Travel Updates" on 11 social media channels. Each update features the TOP 3 Posts and their social media pages therefore increasing their followers. All that for one 2 minute post.

Spring is coming. How about posting a flower photo promoting your business and interests.

We are posting, publishing and adding one community a day on in celebration of our expansion into Eastern and Atlantic Canada and Canada's 150th Birthday! Communities from Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia will be introduced and welcomed to Canada Travel. Quebec and Nunavut are coming.

Enter to win a day pack filled with Canada items, logos, gizmos, stickers, flags, and more. Join our community and create a profile on our website. For every post you publish to our Travel Walls enters you into the draw. For every page of content you write and submit for publication on our website enters you into the draw 5 times. One winner will be selected randomly by our computer in May and June 2017 just in time for Canada Day 150th Celebrations.

Rest Inn
Terrace, BC, Canada

One Canadian's Journey
BC, Canada

Hilton Beach Inn
Hilton Beach, Ontario, Canada

Category: Hotel/Motel
(View Rest Inn's Social Profile)

Category: Photographer
(View One Canadian's Journey Social Profile)

Category: Resort/Lodge
(View Hilton Beach Inn's Social Profile)


Coastal Trail in Pukaskwa NP, Canada
(click for full article)
Content provided by: Joshua Lambert
Colorado , USA


5 Things You Should Know
About Taking A Canadian Road Trip

(click for full article)
Content provided by: eh Canada Travel


Great Canadian Cheese Festival
(click for event)
June 3-4, 2017
Picton, Canada


Pabineau First Nation Pow Wow
(click for event)
July 7-9, 2017
Bathurst, New Brunswick

Fly Fishing
(click for photo gallery)
posted by Hilton Beach Inn
Hilton Beach, Ontario

Floral Droplets
(click for photo gallery)
posted by One Canadian's Journey
Vancouver Mainland, BC
Redneck Fishing
(click for photo gallery)
posted by Birch Lodge
Blind River, Ontario

Canyon Spring
(click for photo gallery)
posted by Ghostpine Photography
Drumheller, Alberta

Kayak Vancouver Island

posted by Kelp Reef Adventures
Victoria, BC

Fishing in Ottawa

posted by Average Row
Ottawa, Ontario

Walleye Fishing in Wawa

posted by Thomas Vondrasek

Real Canadian Sugar Bush

posted by Average Row
Warina, Ontario


Twitter (Canada)

Travel Talk

Twitter (Saskatchewan)

Twitter (NWT)

Travel Talk

Twitter (Alberta)

Twitter (Yukon)


Google+ eh Canada


You Tube

Google+ Community


#54-120 Finholm N. Street
Parksville, B.C,

Office Phone: 1.250.818.1925
Toll Free (Canada): 1.877.923.3764
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