By EH Canada : Support on Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Category: members


Travel & Adventure Advertising Products
Accommodations / Tours / Guides / Attractions / Historical Sites / Real Estate / Art / Transportation

Featured Photo Listing Package Only $69 / year !
[ approx. $6 month ]

Objective : Directs/sends all online travelers from our Canada eh Travel website to YOUR company website to book.
Includes :
- 1 Featured Photo Listing posted on a regional business page.
- 1 Featured Photo Listing posted in a local community section.
- Each includes a photo, website, email, 40 word description, all contact information.
- Posted below Premium Photo Listings.
- Page placement is on a First Come, First Serve basis.

[ Click here to Sign Up for a Featured Photo Listing ]

Premium Photo Listing Package Only $199 / year !
[ approx. $16 month ]
Objective : Be the first viewed/selected by online travelers. Directs/sends all online travelers from our Canada eh Travel to YOUR company website to book.
Includes :
- 1 Premium Photo Listing posted on a regional business page.
- 1 Premium Photo Listing posted in a local community section.
- Each includes 2 photos, website, email, 75 word description, all contact information
- Plus you recieve 1 extra Featured Photo Listing to be posted in a related section or community... or a Featured Community Banner.
- Premium Listings are posted first on the page above all other listings receiving the best results.

[ Click here to Sign Up for a Premium Photo Listing ]

Text Only Business Listing Free

Objective : Be available for contact by global online travelers via a local phone number.
Includes :
- 1 Text Listing posted in a local community section. 
- Listing includes your business name, street address & local phone number only.
- Does not include photo & links to your website, email nor your toll free phone number. Sorry.
- Posted below Featured Photo Listings, Premium Photo Listings and Email Text Listings.

[ Click here to Sign Up for a Free Listing ]

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