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Parks, Trails and Places to Explore in Canada

Canada Parks include national, provincial, territorial, regional, municipal, community, recreation and wilderness parks. Every province and territory in Canada maintains a good selection of parks.

Most of the Canada parks operate seasonally with the peak months of operation occurring during the months of May to late September. Many of the larger Canada parks are created to protect the environment and wildlife in the region while promoting recreational activities.


The most popular park activities enjoyed in a Canada Park include hiking, camping, swimming, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing, picnicking, birdwatching, wind surfing, photography and much more.

Some of the more common amenities located in the larger developed parks include a campground, sandy beach, showers, washrooms, sani station, park office, picnic area, playground, marina, boat launch and more.

Select a Canadian Province or Territory to Explore Parks in Canada.

British Columbia

British Columbia Parks & Trails
Parkland Oasis Nature Trail: 232 acres of bird nesting grounds, 47 acres of wetlands and 27 acres of parkland. Also a 2 km interpretive trail leading to birding lookouts and viewpoints located in the Poulin Ducks Unlimited project area.
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Prince Albert
Community Trails within the community of Faro, Yukon Territories are popular for connecting and moving around the community by bike, foot, xc ski, snowshoe and snowmobile. The trails include the Bear, Eagle, Fox, Rabbit and Wolf Trails.
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Campbell Street
The small park is located on Kenney Dam Road and overlooks the high banks of Stoney Creek protected by two towering Totem Poles.
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Kenney Dam Road
The Terrace Trail is a gravel recreation path that runs parallel to the Kananaskis River for most of the route, often dipping in and out of the aspen forest along the way. The route connects Kananaskis Village with the Galatea Day Use Area.
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Shawnigan Lake is a village and a summer lake recreation destination located in the South Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The fresh water lake during the summer months is a popular area for activities like swimming, water skiing, jet skiing, canoeing, cycling and kayak
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Shawnigan Lake
The 95.71 hectre (236.5 acre) Waterside Beach Provincial Park entertains smaller crowds there is one of the more private beach experiences in the region. Waterside Beach Provincial Park in Nova Scotia, Canada is a top thing to do while exploring near New Glascow, Nova Scotia.
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649 R. Grant Road
Caribou River
Brilliant Bridge_sm
Suspension bridge built by the Doukhobors in 1913.
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Brilliant Road
Sidney Spit of the Gulf Islands National Park Reserve is a long sand bar and marine park measuring over 223 hectares (551 acres) of foreshore and over 177 hectares (437 acres) of upland landscape highlighted by a seamlessly endless white sandy beach.
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Halifax Public Gardens is a 6 hectare (17 acre) Victorian-era floral exhibit first established in 1867 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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Spring Garden Rd.