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Parks, Trails and Places to Explore in Canada

Canada Parks include national, provincial, territorial, regional, municipal, community, recreation and wilderness parks. Every province and territory in Canada maintains a good selection of parks.

Most of the Canada parks operate seasonally with the peak months of operation occurring during the months of May to late September. Many of the larger Canada parks are created to protect the environment and wildlife in the region while promoting recreational activities.


The most popular park activities enjoyed in a Canada Park include hiking, camping, swimming, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing, picnicking, birdwatching, wind surfing, photography and much more.

Some of the more common amenities located in the larger developed parks include a campground, sandy beach, showers, washrooms, sani station, park office, picnic area, playground, marina, boat launch and more.

Select a Canadian Province or Territory to Explore Parks in Canada.

British Columbia

British Columbia Parks & Trails
Cobb's Pond Rotary Park is a beautiful community park in Gander, Newfoundland, Canada with a 4.5 kilometre boardwalk sightseeing trail. Cobb's Pond Rotary Park in Newfoundland Canada is a top thing to do while exploring near Gander, Newfoundland, Canada.
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Magee Road
Grand-Pré National Historic Site is a site with great meaning to the proud Acadian people of Nova Scotia, Canada, who during 1682-1755, would not swear their allegiance to the British Crown. Grand-Pré National Historic Site in Nova Scotia Canada is a top thing to do while exploring near Wolfville.
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2205 Grand-Pré Road
Admiral's Walk is a waterfront walkway providing visitors far reaching views overlooking the Bay of Fundy, as well as, connecting to various artifacts, shops, restaurants and attractions
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Water Street
The journey to the lookout is part of the adventure. To access the lookout visitors must first hike a 2 kilometre trail and also navigate a 11 kilometre gravel forestry road. The road is rough, and at times uneven. Much of the gravel road travels uphill along mountain ridges, navigating hairpin turn
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Blue Ridge Forest Service Road
Red Point Provincial Park, Souris, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Your Adventure Travel Guide for planning activities in PEI parks, trails, campgrounds, tours, guides and vacations.
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249 Red Point Park Rd
The Tex Lyon Trail is a historical hiking trail dating back to the 1940s when the north end of the island was in a deep state of discovery. The hiking trail was a trail used by people traveling between Port Hardy and Fort Rupert, British Columbia, Canada. The trail is a little used route today whic
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Port Hardy
The Great Slave Lake is the second largest lake located within the borders of Canada. It is the deepest lake in North America reaching depths of 616 metres (2,027 feet). The lake occupies a large section of the southeast portion of the territories.
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Old Days Pond Boardwalk is a 1 kilometre boardwalk trail which circles around a community pond in Bonavista, Newfoundland, Canada. Old Days Pond Boardwalk in Newfoundland Canada is a top thing to do while exploring near Bonavista, Newfoundland, Canada.
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O'Deas Street
dd vista east block
If you want solitude, head for the hills of Grasslands National Park, East Block, located near Wood Mountain Saskatchewan. Located in the Wood Mountain Uplands.
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Highway #18
Wood Mountain