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Parks, Trails and Places to Explore in Canada

Canada Parks include national, provincial, territorial, regional, municipal, community, recreation and wilderness parks. Every province and territory in Canada maintains a good selection of parks.

Most of the Canada parks operate seasonally with the peak months of operation occurring during the months of May to late September. Many of the larger Canada parks are created to protect the environment and wildlife in the region while promoting recreational activities.


The most popular park activities enjoyed in a Canada Park include hiking, camping, swimming, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing, picnicking, birdwatching, wind surfing, photography and much more.

Some of the more common amenities located in the larger developed parks include a campground, sandy beach, showers, washrooms, sani station, park office, picnic area, playground, marina, boat launch and more.

Select a Canadian Province or Territory to Explore Parks in Canada.

British Columbia

British Columbia Parks & Trails
cobb lake 1
A forest walk leading to a beautiful, clear lake near Radium Hot Springs - relatively short, little elevation gain - a good hike for anyone rain or shine.
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Hwy 93
Radium Hot Springs
The 65 hectare wilderness park includes a fresh water lake, a sandy beach and two day use areas. The lake park is popular for canoeing, kayaking, picnicking, swimming, wind surfing, fishing, scuba diving and beachcombing.
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McGregor Lake Reservoir is a recreation area and popular water sport destination located east of the community of Vulcan, Alberta, Canada in the Southern Alberta Foothills region of the Canadian Badlands.
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Waterford Green in Miramichi, New Brunswick on Canada's Adventure Travel Guide for planning NB parks, trails, attractions, tours, guides, and more.
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Loggie Drive
Little Falls Park is a day use area which includes some sightseeing benches, picnic table and a small grass lawn area.
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Little Falls Road
Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park is a remote and wilderness park accessed from the communities of Lake Cowichan, Port Renfrew and Port Alberni, BC on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The provincial park is one of the oldest protected parks on Vancouver Island. The park is divided into
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Rosander Main
Lake Cowichan
Gooseberry Cove Provincial Park is a beautiful sandy beach located in a protective cove. Gooseberry Cove Provincial Park in Newfoundland Canada is a top thing to do while exploring near Placentia, Newfoundland, Canada.
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Highway #204
Gooseberry Cove
The U'Mista Cultural Centre is the main attraction in Alert Bay. The centre is a First Nation museum and a special gathering place for ceremonial celebrations. The goal of the centre is to remember, protect and preserve the history, traditions and cult
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Alert Bay
Tidnish Dock Provincial Park is a sandy beach park located near the village of Tidnish, Nova Scotia, Canada. There are no lifeguards but the water is warm compared to many.
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821 Tidnish Head Road