Park Size: 9 acresPark Amenities:
There is a lot to do in "The Forks"in Winnipeg. The Forks National Historic Site has been a meeting place for over 6000 years, beginning with the Aboriginal community who used this site as a gathering place for trade and ceremonial activities. Today you can stroll the tree-lined walkways by the river and take in the history through interpretive signs placed at intervals along the way. There is even an example of tall grass prairie that once dominanted the landscape from Southern Manitoba and Saskatchewan stretching to Texas. Sadly, today only 1% of natural tall grass prairie remains in its natural state. This area has seen a lot of development in the last few years, and is now home to the Theatre for Young People, a Children's Museum, wonderful shops and dining. Travel Manitoba even has their building situated here showing short films of great destinations and brochures of most everything this province has to offer the residents and travelers. If you have not seen the Canadian Museum for Human Rights yet, it is located right here at the Forks, so you can explore the Forks proper and then walk over and take in the galleries devoted to human rights themes, including of course the breathtaking architecture of the building itself. Too much to list. Plan on a day or two to see it all.
The Forks National Historic Site and Forks Plaza
25 Forks Market Road
How To Get ToThe Forks National Historic Site and Forks Plaza
How to Get Here: 25 Fork Market Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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