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Nicola River Parkside Merritt BC

Nicola River Parkside Merritt BC 

The Nicola River Parkside in Merritt BC. The Nicola River flows alongside Merritt's Rotary Water Park in the heart of the city. This popular park also features a playground, music stage, and walking trails for all ages. Personally I love going here to relax and let the sounds of the river calm my mind being present with nature. There is something about being around water and just living in the moment. Nicola River parkside in Merritt BC is truly a nature lovers destination spot. 

The Nicola River in Merritt BC

Nicola River, named after Nicola, (Hwistesmexteqen) a powerful important Chief and son of a Syilx (Okanagan) Chief Pelkamulox in the 19th century. The Nicola River flows down from Upper Nicola to the city of Merritt BC. Were the Coldwater River joins the Nicola River and continues 60km were it enters the Thompson River in the town of Spencer's Bridge BC. Interesting note is that the Nicola River is around 213km in length, having eleven significant tributaries and four or more having salmon bearing habitats. 

Nicola River Nature Parkside Merritt BC

Nicola River parkside alongside the Rotary Park in Merritt BC is a place to bring yourself back to nature and breath in the river air. Relax on a bench take in the sounds around you while watching the Nicola River flow by. A special spot for me to go and feel alive with nature. Nicola River parkside in Merritt BC is an experience with nature. 

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