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Mother Earth's Worker Bees

By Tania Stewart in Experience Merritt BC Videos 741 views 3rd Jul, 2023 Video Duration: N/A   Merritt, BC, Canada

Mother Earth's Worker Bees Merritt BC

Pollinating Honey Bees in the Nicola Valley BC

Nicola Valley BC local beekeepers are very passionate and work hard to nurture all their bees. When you buy locally-made honey, beeswax, honey salve and other products helps your environment. We breathe the same air as the bees do. When you taste honey made in your area, you are literally tasting your own flowers.

 Nicola Valley BC Sweet Honey 

Nicola Valley BC Honey may-bee the sweetest experience. Our local Apiaries produce some of the best honey in BC.  Why is this? The Nicola Valley with the combination of climate, abundance of flowers, soil and water resources makes it ideal for honey bees. Moreover, Merritt's apiaries do not spray or use harmful chemicals on flowers or vegetation

Bee-Aware Facts

Interesting fact is that bees will die after stinging you, but it's in their DNA to protect their hive at all costs. Think before you swat a bee, evidence shows that they feel pain. It takes twelve Nicola Valley bees to make one teaspoon of honey. Bee-aware that without these pollinators, the availability and diversity of fresh produce would decline substantially, and human nutrition would likely suffer. 

Mother Earth's Worker Bees Merritt BC

May-Bee the Sweetest Experience  

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