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Welcome all travel writers, producers, bloggers and editors to the Travel Network (Canada eh Tourism).

Canada eh Tourism travel websites are your one stop resource online for researching travel facts, finding photos and for developing travel and adventure ideas for your newspaper, magazine, radio broadcasts, podcasts, online websites, blogs and television.

Canada eh Tourism is the largest network of travel websites promoting Western Canada travel adventures, as well as, the fastest growing network of travel websites in Canada.

Canada eh Tourism has much to offer for creative minds like yours. Whether you are looking for the right photo, a different spin, a unique idea or a good "quote" - this network of travel and adventure websites and the Brother eh Team are happy to assist you in your travel media projects.

What makes Canada eh Tourism different from the rest when developing your story?

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Labour of Love -

Who doesn’t dream of quitting their jobs to spend a life travelling? Two British Columbia brothers didn’t just dream about it, they did it.

Greg, 47 and Colin, 44. Girard gave up their 9-to-5 jobs seven years ago to travel Canada and write about what they experienced on a website that helps travellers plan their own adventures across this country.

The website is Canada Eh Tourism & Travel and it has gradually spread from its Vancouver Island roots to cover Western Canada and soon will extend to Central and Eastern Canada. In fact ,they have websites specific to B.C., Alberta,Saskatchewan, Yukon and Northwest Territories.

In that time, they’ve attracted close to 500 advertisers many of which have been with the site since the beginning.

“We’ve gone from nothing to making a respectable living and on top of that we get to see the whole country,” said Greg in a recent telephone interview from Prince Edward Island where the brothers were researching the latest update for their site.

They spend their summers travelling across Canada and in the winter, they transform that on-the-ground research into updates for their website.

“When you love this country as much as we do, it’s a pretty easy job to do,” said Greg.

The brothers think their site is unique because it’s not government-funded in any way and is based on their own research and first-hand experience.

When asked to list some of the best destinations in the country, they were reluctant to play favourites, but they did offer some personal hightlights:
- The Alaska Highway in the Yukon
- The Waterfall Route in Northwest Territories “We didn’t even know it existed before we went there.”
- Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan, site of Grey Owl’s log cabin
- Saskatoon
- Quebec City. The highlight was walking on the fortress walls.
- Lunenberg, N.S. and the province’s incredible beaches.

“When you’re from the West Coast you think that you have the best beaches, but Nova Scotia has some pretty amazing beaches.” And what is it like travelling for weeks on end with your brother? “It’s pretty awesome.” said Greh. “We definitely bug the heck out of each other, but that’s what brothers do.”

Brothers are at home on the road - Travel Industry Today


Brothers are at home on the road

08 FEB 2012: Colin and Greg Girard have expanded their Travel Network into Saskatchewan. The Official Launch of the website gives the Travel Network 18 travel and tourism websites marketing accommodations, activities and adventures in Canada.

The company’s new aggressive marketing campaign will expand the EH Tourism brand into Central, Eastern and Atlantic Canada. 

Currently, online travellers can plan, research and book accommodations and adventures in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta and the Yukon and the Northwest Territories on Canada EH Tourism websites. 

The addition of the website will provide travellers with information for researching parks, trails, historic sites, rivers, lakes, wildlife management areas, wetlands, wildflower meadows, etc. and book accommodations, tours, guides, attractions throughout the province of Saskatchewan, Canada. 

Canada EH Tourism is owned and operated by the Girard brothers who, since 2005, have been on and off the road exploring the country of Canada venturing from populated areas to isolated areas. The summers are spent researching parks, trails and paddle routes and the winters are spent researching ski mountains and nordic areas. 

"The entire province was self researched by my brother and I," says Colin Girard, " Both Greg and I documented and took pictures of the entire province staying in most of the main tourism communities, hiking trails, walking grasslands and researching waterways." 

Adventures are documented online on the Travel Network and on their award winning travel blog called the Canada EH Travel Blog. Communications, bloopers and life stories are shared on their Canada EH Facebook page. 

"EH Canada Tourism is a lifelong dream to employ ourselves in adventure. It gives us an opportunity to discover and rediscover our beautiful country and the many gifts shared with us by Mother Nature," says Greg Girard.