March 2016 eh Canada Travel Newsletter Newsletter March 2016



Monthly Top 3 Canadian Travel Influencers

TOP 3 Content Contributors

Congratulations to the TOP 3 Canadians for the month of February 2016 who contributed the most content to the website. These 3 winners made the biggest impact during the month of February toward creating Canada online. Each shared some quality content contributions showcasing their communities, parks, wildlife, landscapes, their province, their photography, their videos and status updates.

The Winners of the "Top Canadian Travel Influencer Award" for the month of February are:

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February 2016 eh Canada Travel Newsletter NewsletterFebruary 2016

January 2016 Top Canadian Travel Influencers

Congratulations to theses Top 3 Canadians!

In the month of January 2016 we received 311 content contributions to the website. Every photo, video, tip, story, park, trail, beach, lake and river submitted to the website featured the submitting business or featured the submitting individual, as well as, encouraged and educated travelers on the many benefits of coming to Canada for a vacation, adventure or business retreat. Thank you to all who took the time to add content to the website! You did Canada a great service!  

Congratulations to the TOP 3 Canadians for the month of January 2016 who contributed the most content to the website. These three winners made the biggest impact during the month of January. Each showed a tremondous amount of pride in their work, their communities, their passions, their activities and their talents.

The Winners of the "Top Canadian Travel Influencer Award" for the month of January are:

(1) Cary Horning (Calgary, Alberta)

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