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Parks, Trails and Places to Explore in Canada

Canada Parks include national, provincial, territorial, regional, municipal, community, recreation and wilderness parks. Every province and territory in Canada maintains a good selection of parks.

Most of the Canada parks operate seasonally with the peak months of operation occurring during the months of May to late September. Many of the larger Canada parks are created to protect the environment and wildlife in the region while promoting recreational activities.


The most popular park activities enjoyed in a Canada Park include hiking, camping, swimming, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing, picnicking, birdwatching, wind surfing, photography and much more.

Some of the more common amenities located in the larger developed parks include a campground, sandy beach, showers, washrooms, sani station, park office, picnic area, playground, marina, boat launch and more.

Select a Canadian Province or Territory to Explore Parks in Canada.

British Columbia

British Columbia Parks & Trails
Point Prim Lighthouse, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Your Adventure Travel Guide for planning activities in PEI parks, trails, lighthouses, tours, guides and vacations.
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2147 Point Prim Rd
Wood Islands
Kal Beach is one of the most easily accessible and one of the most popular sandy beaches on Kalamalka Lake in the area of Coldstream which is located south of downtown Vernon, BC in the North Okanagan Valley
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Husband Road
A loop trail system. Great for hikers and mountain bikers. Access in Qualicum Bay off of Hwy 19A onto Lions Way.
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Reversing Rapids is a natural phenomenon where the retreating tides of the Bay of Fundy reverse the flow of the St. John River.
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200 Bridge Road
Saint John
The Kananaskis Country trail is an activity route as well as a transportation route for getting from one end of town to the other. The pathway is one of the main access trails within the community popular for hiking, biking, rollerblading, dog walking and jogging.
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The 200 foot tall Fire Tower Lookout is located on a long gravel road leading deep into the mountains near the community of Dawson City, Yukon Territories, Canada. The tower is situated at 4000 feet of Jubilee Mountain.
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Dawson City
Halifax Waterfront will blow you away. It is by far one of the most beautiful and entertaining waterfront boardwalks in Canada, not to mention it is one of the longest.
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Lower Water Street
The wooden fort consisted of sleeping quarters, a guard room, storage sheds and horse stables. The purpose of the fort was to investigate and get rid of the whisky traders who had set up shop in the region.
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