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Parks, Trails and Places to Explore in Canada

Canada Parks include national, provincial, territorial, regional, municipal, community, recreation and wilderness parks. Every province and territory in Canada maintains a good selection of parks.

Most of the Canada parks operate seasonally with the peak months of operation occurring during the months of May to late September. Many of the larger Canada parks are created to protect the environment and wildlife in the region while promoting recreational activities.


The most popular park activities enjoyed in a Canada Park include hiking, camping, swimming, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing, picnicking, birdwatching, wind surfing, photography and much more.

Some of the more common amenities located in the larger developed parks include a campground, sandy beach, showers, washrooms, sani station, park office, picnic area, playground, marina, boat launch and more.

Select a Canadian Province or Territory to Explore Parks in Canada.

British Columbia

British Columbia Parks & Trails
Yellowhawk Trail (aka Mt. Murray Trail) is a moderate hike trekking through forests to the alpine peaks of Mount Murray, Mount Greenbury or to Mount Waverly. The round trip 8.4 kilometre alpine trail should take 3-5 hours to complete. Trail is enjoyed by hikers and cross country skiers.
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Bowron Lakes
The North Coast Backpacking Trail is an extension of the Cape Scott Backpacking Trail. The North Coast Trail is the longest and most challenging and exhaustive wilderness backpacking trail on the northern end of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Although shorter than the famous West Coast
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Port Hardy
Emerald Lake is a sightseeing destination located north of the community of Carcross. The lookout point provides many who travel the highway with an opportunity to enjoy some great views of a turquoise-green lake and some mountain ranges.
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South Klondike Highway
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Marble Canyon Provincial Park is a geological destination park located in a limestone canyon near the communities of Cache Creek and Lillooet, British Columbia, Canada. The canyon park rests in the middle of the Pavilion Mountain Range and includes three turquoise lakes & a campground.
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Hwy #99
Cache Creek
Cleveland Beach Provincial Park is a 4.4 hectare (11 acre) long, beautiful sandy beach park located southwest of Halifax, NS in the area of Hubbards, NS on the south shore coastline of Nova Scotia, Canada.
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St. Margaret's Bay Road
Mission Creek Greenway Trail is one of the most visited recreation trails in the community of Kelowna, BC. The 17 kilometre trail explores along the shores of Mission Creek passing through many eco systems.
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Port Maitland Beach Provincial Park is a beautiful 1 kilometre log sandy and pebbled beach, surrounded by sand dunes. Port Maitland Beach Provincial Park in Nova Scotia Canada is a top thing to do while exploring near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
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3297 Main Shore Road
Old Growth Alley interpretive route is a difficult trail located along Highway 16, a few minutes south of Crow's Nest store
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The Bow River flows along the west and south borders of the Village of Banff, Alberta, Canada. It is a recreation trail, a natural attraction, a picnic destination and a paddle route. Like all natural attractions in the Banff National Park, the Bow River attracts allot of attention because it is par
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